Varicose veins are a progressive disease that may start out with no physical symptoms at all, worsening over time to subtle and severe symptoms. It is important to seek medical attention early in order to interrupt the natural progression of this disease, reduce symptoms and to achieve the best possible results.
Once vein disease is present, the only way to eliminate affected veins is through medical treatment. The choice of treatment recommended is dependent on the type and size of the vein, the location and depth from the skin surface, and whether or not reflux is present. Treatment options include compression therapy, sclerotherapy, ultrasound guided injections, endovenous ablation, ligations, microphlebectomies and more traditional stripping and ligations surgery.
Varicose vein treatment can be simplified into 2 main categories: Conservative VS Corrective.
Conservative treatment would involve the management of varicose vein signs/symptoms with graduated compression stockings and lifestyle modifications.
Corrective treatment is further divided into 2 main categories: Sclerosing VS Surgical.
Sclerosing treatments involve methods which scar the inside of the diseased veins which close and are reabsorbed by the body. These methods include sclerotherapy, USGI, EDVA (RF/Laser).
Surgical treatments involve the physical removal of the disease veins. These methods include microphlebectomies, ligations, and stripping and ligations.
Treating venous disease is very seldom a "one and done" procedure, and every patient is different. Our treatment protocols and follow-ups are designed to verify that your treatment was successful, as well as identify future potential concerns before they develop. Our goal is to promote long-term results.